Wednesday 1 October 2014

Periodontal Disease - Signs, symptoms by treatment best dentist and Dental Tourism Options in Ahmedabad

Periodontal disease is a serious gum disease that when left untreated is not only painful, but can result in tooth loss. Infact there are thousands of adult around the world with this gum disease that are not even aware that they have a problem, which is why it is so important to keep your regular dental checkup to catch this disease before it gets any worse and get the necessary treatment.

In most of the cases this level of gum disease starts as the less damaging gingivitis. Gingivitis can be recognized when gums swells and redden. Often blood is seen during brushing, which is a sign that treatment is required. Gingivitis is easily treatable and can reduce the risk of building to periodontists which has more signs, symptoms and damaging effects.  So more treatment visit our Best Dentist in Ahmedabad now.

In majority of the cases swelling is localized around tooth, eventually causing it pull away from the tooth to form what is known as pocket. Pockets are the breeding places for bacteria. Other signs that one may be suffering from Periodontists includes bad breath, tender gums that bleed easily, especially when brushing and pain when chewing. Other signs include sensitive teeth, receding gums and eventually tooth loss. 

There are choices of treatment available depending on the severity of the disease. One of the first step to fight the disease is to have a through deep cleaning. This removes tartar buildup, leaving the teeth clean, reducing the risk of disease and helping the gums to recover. The next step is medication. The last step is surgery. Surgery repairs any damage to the gums, sometimes flap surgery is required to replace the lost gum with new tissue to repair any damage caused. 

Few trouble shooting things we can do reduce the risk of gum disease are as follows:

1. Brush regularly

2. Flossing, as it gets between the teeth removing the plaque and helping reduce the risk of tartar

Remember the sooner you notice the sign of Periodontists and you get professional help the sooner you can get the necessary treatment, reducing the risk of developing severe symptoms which can lead to tooth loss.

So more information visit our website Or Best Dental Tourism Ahmedabad.

Best dentist and dental clinic Orthodontic Treatment in Ahmedabad

Understanding Orthodontic treatment

Orthodontics is a type of dentistry that helps to correct teeth that are not properly aligned. The treatment is broad and can use a wide variety of devices. In some cases teeth have to be removed for the procedure to be successful. If the braces are worn correctly, results are achieved in 15-18 months. Now visit our Best Dental Clinic Ahmedabad, letter then your problem is solved.

Causes of Maligned Teeth

Problems affecting proper development of teeth often run in the family. In some instances the mis alignment is due to an accident or even persistent thumb sucking. To avoid these problems in future, milk teeth need to be taken care of properly and thumb sucking discouraged.

The problem with misaligned teeth is that they make it hard for one to maintain proper oral hygiene. In severe cases, this misalignment can affect the face, giving it a disproportional shape. This can result in psychological problems and low self esteem. This problem is more prevalent in teenagers and should be rectified in good time.

Right time of Orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic treatment for kid should be started when all the teeth have developed.

The best age would be after 13 years and before 21 years. For adults the procedure can be done at any age, but options are very limited for adults. 

Orthodontic treatment is widely available and a full examination can be performed before starting any treatment. 

So more information visit our website or Best Dentist in Ahmedabad.

Monday 29 September 2014

Best Dentist and Dental Clinic Services Offered in Ahmedabad

Dental Bridges

Many a times we find gap between the teeth caused due to the tooth loss. This tooth loss can be due to the following reasons:

·  Accident
·  Poor Oral Hygiene
·  Sometimes by birth and due to several other reasons

Effect of this gap to other teeth

·  It may cause permanent tooth miss alignment as the gap between the teeth will compel the nearby teeth to tilt towards the gap. 
·  Improper chewing and biting and overall eating, leading to other bowel problems 
·  Sometime problem in speaking


·  One of the best solution to cover this gap between the teeth are called Dental Bridges
·  Variety of dental bridges, crowns made of ceramic or porcelain , metal are available
·  To replace the lost tooth, support of the nearby teeth is taken. The nearby supporting teeth are called abutment teeth and the replacement teeth is called false tooth. Treated by best Dentist in Ahmedabad.

Advantages of Dental Bridges

·  Gives natural aesthetic look
·  They are almost a permanent solution

·  Highly advanced material dental bridges are available
·  Improves biting, chewing and hence makes overall eating process more delightful
·  Prevents mal alignment
·  It stops the nearby tooth to lift or drift

A Permanent dental bridge needs

·  Good Oral Hygiene
·  Regular brushing, twice a day
·  Regular dental check up with professional teeth cleaning process and scaling 

·         So more information visit our website Or Best Dental Clinic Ahmedabad.